Workshop archive



Cornwallis VII:  Analysis for Compliance and Peace Building

The Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre
25-28 March 2002

The focus of the meeting was on how parties complied with peace agreements and how peace-building occurred.  However, it was impossible to do this without referring to the world of Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, and talk of an intervention in Iraq.

Contributed Papers:

  1. IN MEMORIAM Gary F Wheatley, RADM (USN, ret.) [pdf]
  2. Opening Remarks - Sandra Dunsmore [pdf]
  3. Analysis for Compliance and Peace Building - Professor David F. Davis [pdf]
  4. Keynote Address: Analysis for Compliance and Peace Building - Dame Margaret J Anstee [pdf]
  5. Comments - Dame Margaret J Anstee [pdf]
  6. Compliance Assessments in the Balkans: Personal Perspectives - George Rose, and Michael R. Neighbour [pdf]
  7. Indicators of Success in Compliance and Peace Building - the late Rear Admiral Gary Wheatley USN (Ret.) [pdf]
  8. Interdisciplinary Peace Operations Professional Development: Investing in Long-Term Peace Operations Success - Lieutenant Colonel Christopher J Holshek [pdf]
  9. Thwarting Emergence: An Exploratory Project - Mr Frank Mahncke, Dr Michael Brown and Dr Andrew May[pdf]
  10. UNDOF: The Catalyst for Peace Building on the Golan Heights - Major E Ross Fetterly [pdf]
  11. Brcko, Crucible of Peace in the Balkans - Robert W. Farrand [pdf]
  12. Perceptual and Societal Dynamical Models for Compliance and Peace Building - Dr Alexander E R Woodcock [pdf]
  13. Integrated Strategic Planning Toward Sustainable Peace - Dayton Maxwell [pdf]
  14. Reconstruction: Things to Consider Before we Attempt any Actions - Michael Baranick [pdf]
  15. Perspectives on the NATO Success Measurement Systems: The Record and the Way Forward - William J. Owen and Stephan Flemming [pdf]
  16. Canada’s New Joint Experimentation Centre: An Experimentation Approach to Analysis for Compliance and Peace Building - Dr Kendall Wheaton [pdf]
  17. Issues in the Analysis of Smaller Scale Contingencies - Dr Richard Underwood [pdf]
  18. The SAS-027 Historical SSC Database With Application to an Analysis of Past Canadian Operations - David W. Mason [pdf]
  19. Scenario Development using Computer-Aided Morphological Analysis - Dr Tomas Eriksson [pdf]
  20. Measures of Merit for Defense Resource Planning of Small Scale Contingencies - A Martin Lidy [pdf]
  21. Measures of Merit for Analysis of Small Scale Contingencies Example - Dr Erik J A van Zijderveld [pdf]
  22. Measures of Merit for Analysis of Small Scale Contingencies Example - Dr Erik J A van Zijderveld [pdf]
  23. Analysis of Smaller Scale Contingencies Using the SABRINA Model - Mr Danny Sanders [pdf]
  24. The Theatre Evacuation, Movement, and Peace Operations (TEMPO) Model - Dr Stephen Bocquet [pdf]
  25. Virtual Reality Leadership Training Simulator for Dismounted Forces Karl A Bertsche, Markus Hoelscher, and Claus Jarsetz [pdf]
  26. Analytical LEGO ® — Vignettes as the Building Bricks for Studies of Compliance and Peace Building Scenarios - Ian M Mitchell [pdf]
  27. Analysis for Compliance and Peace Building: Concluding Remarks - Mr David F Davis and Dr Alexander E R Woodcock [pdf[