Workshop archive



Cornwallis XI: Analysis for Civil-Military Transitions

The Allenberry Hotel, Boiling Springs, PA, USA
10 - 13 April 2006

The civilian keynote speaker was Mr. Roy Williams.  The workshop was held in collaboration with the US Army's Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute.

Contributed Papers:

  1. Foreword - Robert W. "Bill" Farrand [pdf]
  2. Cornwallis XI: Analysis for Civil-Military Transitions - Dave Davis [pdf]
  3. Introduction to Cornwallis XI: Analysis for Civil-Military Transitions - Alexander E. R. Woodcock [pdf]
  4. The US Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute -Tammy S. Schultz &. Colonel John Agoglia [pdf]
  5. The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre - Pat Stogran [pdf]
  6. The Transition from Conflict to the Beginnings of Reconstruction - Howard Roy Williams [pdf]
  7. Transition Dreams, Human Realities: Military-Civil Transitions as Humane Enterprises - Guntram Fritz Albin Werther [pdf]
  8. Police Reform Programs: Links to Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Social Stability in Violent and Fragile States - Richard Hill & Laura Bowman [pdf]
  9. Democracy as a Tool for Stabilizing Peace: The Case of Kosovo - J. Matthew Leatherman [pdf]
  10. “Stabilization and Reconstruction” and the Humanitarian-Military Dilemma - Walter S. Clarke Senior & Arthur “Gene” Dewey [pdf]
  11. The Scroll and the Sword: Synergizing Civil-Military Power - Christopher Holshek [pdf]
  12. Operational Analysis in Afghanistan - Mike Neighbour [pdf]
  13. Strategy in High Places: The Civil-Military Interface in Theory and Practice - Alexandra Hall & Jacques de Vasselot [pdf]
  14. Improving S/CRS Planning Framework from a Geographic Combatant Command's Perspective - Michael C. Pryce [pdf]
  15. From Failed State to Civil War: The Lebanonization of Iraq 2003-2006 — An Analysis for Civil-Military Transitions - Pauline H. Baker [pdf]
  16. Evolving U.S. Government Interagency Transformational Diplomacy Doctrine - Martin Lidy [pdf]
  17. Perhaps More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About The World is Flat - Eugene P. Visco [pdf]
  18. Modeling Stability and Reconstruction Operation Using SEAS* - Alok Chaturvedi, Rashmi Chaturvedi, Midh Mulpuri, Steve Mellema [pdf]
  19. Fighting Fallujah - Dan O'Donohue [pdf]
  20. Analysing Stabilisation Operations - Howard Body [pdf]
  21. PRT Transformation: To Measure or Not To Measure? - David Luke Huxtable [pdf]
  22. Stakes in the Ground: Taxonomy for Analysis of Civil-Military Transitions - Ian M. Mitchell [pdf]
  23. In Pursuit of Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh - Michael J. Baranick & Samuel Schwabe [pdf]
  24. How will integration into the Euro-Atlantic community help create security, stability, and economic development? Michael Baranick, Dennis Shorts & Samuel Schwabe [pdf]
  25. The Cornwallis XI Round Table Professor - Alexander E.R. Woodcock [pdf]