Welcome to the Cornwallis Group Archives
Founded in 1996, the Cornwallis Group was an association
of operations and strategic analysts. The group was dedicated
to discussion and publication aimed at improving the response
to the challenging issues of securing peace in a dynamic
and volatile world. Its membership represented national
military agencies, other governmental departments, and international
inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations
Following its last workshop in 2014, which was held in conjunction with the 31st International Symposium on Military Operational Research, the Group disbanded.
An extensive archive of papers and presentations from 16 of its 19 workshops is now hosted on the ISMOR website as a service to the defence and security analysis community.
Unfortunately, papers from the first three workshops (1996-1998) are unavailable for hosting on this site, since they were not held on the original Cornwallis Group web pages.
If any participants from those workshops still have material available, the webmaster would be very happy to hear from them. In the meantime,
readers might
like to note that the proceedings of many of the workshops, including these early ones, were published in book form
by the Canadian Peacekeeping Press and secondhand copies are occasionally offered for sale by online retailers.