Cornwallis XIV: Analysis of Societal Conflict and Counter-Insurgency
Seminarhotel Springer-Schlößl, Vienna, Austria
6-9 April 2009
- Introduction to Cornwallis XIV: Analysis of Societal Conflict and Counter-Insurgency - Alexander E R Woodcock PhD [pdf]
- Military Keynote: Analysing Civil Society and Counter- Insurgency: ‘Comfortable with Chaos’ - Major General (Retired) Tim Cross, CBE. [pdf]
- What it Takes to Supervise a Community Devastated by War - Ambassador (Retired) Robert W Farrand [pdf]
- Counterinsurgency and Ethnic/Sectarian Rivalry in Comparative Perspective: Soviet Afghanistan and Contemporary Iraq - Anton Minkov PhD [pdf]
- Abandon All Hope – Intractable Societal Conflicts - Alistair Morley [pdf]
- The British Army’s Effectiveness in the Irish Campaign 1919-1921 and the Lessons for Modern Counterinsurgency Operations, with Special Reference to C3I Aspects - Gordon Pattison [pdf]
- Opinion Polling in Support of Counterinsurgency - Etienne Vincent PhD, Philip Eles PhD, and Boris Vasiliev [pdf]
- Civilian Keynote: Challenges of Transition - Ambassador (ret) William Montgomery [pdf]
- UK Operational Analysis Evaluation of Current Operational Campaign Effects Assessment (2008) - Tom Ramjeet and George Rose PhD [pdf]
- Complex Adaptive and ‘Inquiring’ Systems Theory for Contemporary Military Operations: A Multi-perspective Approach - Lorraine Dodd and Anthony Alston [pdf]
- A Systems Approach and the Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF) - Cynthia Irmer PhD [pdf]
- Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework ICAF - Approved by the United States Reconstruction & Stabilization Policy Coordinating Committee 15 July [pdf]
- Conflict Analysis and Military Planning - Colonel Ellen L. Haring, RES USAR USARC [pdf]
- Use of Simulation to Support the Analysis of Societal Conflict and Counterinsurgency - Uwe Dompke PhD [pdf]
- Model-based Approaches to Counter-Insurgency Planning - Alexander E R (Ted) Woodcock PhD and John T. Dockery PhD [pdf]
- Full Spectrum COIN Modelling - A W G van Oosterhout PhD, A C Kernkamp MSc, A A F Bloemen MSc, LTC J B R Clocquet [pdf]
- Data Farming Around the World Overview - Gary E Horne PhD and Klaus-Peter Schwierz PhD [pdf]
- Judicial Assessment Models: An Ad Hoc Approach of Assessments in Fragile States - Captain Stacy J Taylor, US Army Reserve [pdf]
- Engaging with Local People: More Tea and Fewer Messages - Kathryn Tomlinson PhD [pdf]
- Principles, Paradigms, and Paradoxes in Civil-Military Engagement - Kurt E Müller PhD [pdf]
- The Moral Responsibility of the Analyst: The Cautionary Tale of David Li - After-Dinner Remarks by Paul Chouinard PhD [pdf]