Cornwallis XVII: Analysis of Trafficking and Transnational Threats
In cooperation with the
Center for Nation Reconstruction and Capacity Development
United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
28 March – 1 April 2012
Opening Session I: Dr A E R Woodcock
Brigadier General Tim Trainor
Cadet Paper: Modeling Illicit Trafficking in Central America [ppt]
Session II: Colonel (ret) Christopher Holshek
Ms Carrie Sue Casey: The Intersection of Trafficking in Persons and the Presence of Third-Party Interveners [ppt]
Mr Gary Hindle and Mr David West: The wicked problem of Somali Piracy [ppt]
Session III: Dr Paul Chouinard
Dr A E R Woodcock: Counternarcotics and terrorist modeling [ppt]
Cadet Paper: Evaluation of Assessment Methodology to Support Combined Joint Task Force-Horn Of Africa [ppt]
Dr Etienne Vincent: A Decision Timeline Approach to Assessing Air and Maritime Vulnerabilities [ppt] [pdf]
Ms Fiona Browning: A Surrogate Red Teaming method [ppt]
Session IV: Dr John Farr
Mr Walter Clarke: What is the evolving 'New Normal' in political-military affairs? [ppt]
Ms Simona Verga: A holistic, cross-government all hazards risk assessment [ppt] [pdf]
Session V: Mr Tony Hopkin
Mr Ronald Cole: Games, the Gateway Drug to Models [ppt]
Mr Jon Dalley: Quantitative profiling of trafficking networks; "Rumsfeldian" Spaghetti and the combination of Science and Art [ppt]
Session VI: Mr Dave Davis
Mr Ian Mitchell: Applying Soft Systems Methodology for Better Regulation [ppt] [pdf]
For some things, you just have to be there.