Cornwallis XVIII: Analysis for Evaluation and Assessment
The Mason Inn, George Mason University
15-18 April 2013
Meeting Prologue by Mr. Ian Mitchell
Session I: Colonel (ret) Christopher Holshek
Analysis for Assessment or Assessment for Analysis? Assessing the UK's 'Defence Engagement' Activities – Mr. Stan Coombes [pdf]
'The Road Less Travelled' – Challenges to Strategic X-Government Analysis, Evaluation and Assessment: A Case Study Approach – Dr. Neil Verrall [pdf]
Learning from the past: Analysing history to support UK Defence policy – Ms Debbie Cheverton [pdf]
Session II: Dr. George Rose, CF
Value Focused Metrics – Dr. Dan Maxwell [pdf]
Strategic Balance of Investment – Mr. Arjun Madahar [pdf]
Special Session in the Bar: Clausewitzian Friction on the modern battlefield – Mr. Gene Visco
Session III: Dr. Paul Chouinard
Evaluating an international academic program – GLP – Dr. Allison Frendak-Blume [pdf]
Causal Loop Diagramming for Evaluation and Assessment – Mr. Ian Mitchell [pdf]
Session IV: Mr. Tony Hopkin
Measures of Merit in Complex Security Situations -- Insurgency, Terrorism, and Nation Building – Dr. Richard Hayes [pdf]
Civilian Security: A Functional Approach – Dr. Cynthia Irmer [pdf]
Clausewitzian Friction on the modern battlefield (including "battlefields" for the NGOs) – Mr. Gene Visco, CF [pdf]
Session V: Professor Dave Davis
Systems Analysis of Community Resilience – Ms Lynne Genik (via Skype) [pdf]
Using Value Focused modeling for Kenyan Elections – Ms Natalia Slain,
Mr. Daniel Archibald, Ms Mufeeza Iqbal [PAPER]
Valued Focused Metrics for the Rule of Law – Ms Jordan Becker [pdf]
Session VI: Mr. Gene Visco, CF
Behavior as a basis of evidence: The role of perceptions and reactions as the center of gravity for analysis. – Ms Sasha Kishinchand [pdf]
Developing a compelling story for Maritime Acquisition – Mr. Duncan Feveyear [pdf]
Peace Operations and Disaster Response: Latin American Lessons Noted: Toward a Framework for Regional Collaboration – Dr. Margaret Daly-Hayes [pdf]
Session VII: Mr. Tony Hopkin
Sister Organization activities – Mr. Gene Visco, CF
Cornwallis Round Table