Cornwallis XIII: Analysis in Support of Policy
The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre Cornwallis Park, Nova Scotia, Canada.
17 – 20 March 2008
- Prologue to Cornwallis XIII - Ian M Mitchell [pdf]
- Cornwallis Fellow on the Joy of Metrics Ambassador (ret.) - Robert W. (Bill) Farrand [pdf]
- Keynote Presentation: Elucidating Priorities: Analyses and Decisions - Timothy M. Carney [pdf]
- Cornwallis XIII Monday Evening Discussion: The Morality of War: Perspectives from the West and the East - E. P. Visco [pdf]
- Pathways for Peace: A Multi-Model Assessment of the Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement Mark Abdollahian, Ph.D., Michael Baranick, Ph.D., Jacek Kugler, Ph.D. and Sudhir Devalia [pdf]
- Operational Analysis in Support of HQ RC(S), Kandahar, Afghanistan, September 2007 to January 2008 - T. J. Ramjeet [pdf]
- “Can’t get there from here:” An Analysis of the Risks Associated with Reliance on Non-Integral Strategic Airlift Solutions - Paul D. Dickson, Ph. D. and David W. Mason [pdf]
- Paradoxes of Democracy and Justice in the Bush Years -
Michael Miklaucic [pdf]
- A Systemic Approach is Needed for Fully-Integrated Civilian-Military Policy- and Decision-Making - Alexander E. R. (Ted.) Woodcock, Ph.D., Anders Christensson and John T. Dockery, Ph.D. [pdf]
- Information and Information Communications Technology as an Enabler of Success in Stability and Reconstruction Operations - Larry Wentz [pdf]
- Private Security and USAID: Changing Development Realities in Unstable Environments - Michael Volpe [pdf]
- The Analysis of the Historical Effectiveness of Different Counterinsurgency Tactics and Strategies - Christopher A. Lawrence [pdf]
- Introducing the Open Simulation Platform - Ronald (Skip) Cole [pdf]
- Invited Paper: The Humanitarian Enterprise - Howard Roy Williams [pdf]
- Through a Different Lens - Fatima Hadji [pdf]
- A Research Agenda for Understanding Multi-Agency Collaboration and Decision-Making - Paul N. Chouinard, Ph.D. [pdf]
- The Need for Cross Discipline Awareness and Interoperability in the First Responder and Emergency Management Communities - Kevin (Kip) Thomas, Ph.D., M.B.A., Kevin Hallock, Ph.D. and Peter R. Bergethon, M.D. [pdf]
- Formulating Quarantine Policies as a Wicked Problem - Kevin (Kip) Thomas, Ph.D., M.B.A., Kevin Hallock, Ph.D. and Marcos P. Pareto [pdf]