Cornwallis XV: Analysis for the Future of Afghanistan
In cooperation with the Center for Complex Operations, National Defense University, Washington DC
28 March – 1 April 2010
Session Chair – Mr. Larry Wentz
Ms Beth Baumgarten (Star) - Measuring Progress toward Social Well-Being in Afghanistan [ppt] [pdf]
The Human Terrain of Counterinsurgency Operations: Developing the Military Mindset and Social Science Support by A M de Vries [doc] [ppt]
Empirical Analysis of Current Operations to Support Planning by Anna M. Demetriou and David P. Richardson [pdf][ppt]
Corruption in Helmand Province, Afghanistan William C. Young [ppt]
Session Chair – Mr Anthony Hopkin
A Comprehensive Peace Process for Afghanistan? Dr. Lisa Schirch [ppt]
Ms Clair Lockhart – The Future of Afghanistan [ppt]
Mr. Christian Aulbach– Germany's Engagement in Afghanistan [missing]
Session Chair – Mr. Karl Bertsche
Mr. Gene Dewey and Mr. Walter Clarke - The Afghan Horizon – Lost, or Recoverable? Or, Are We Obliged to Again Snatch Unilateral Defeat from the Multilateral Jaws of Victory [ppt]
Strategic Communication and Influence in Afghanistan: A UK Perspective by Patrick Rose [doc] [ppt]
Dr. Stuart Starr and Mr. Samuel Bendett - Assessing Corruption in the Afghanistan National Police (ANP):Escaping the “Authority Minus Professionalism” Dilemma [ppt]
The Strategic Force Density Problem: A Historical Perspective for Operations in Afghanistan by AD Hossack and DA Cheverton [pdf] [ppt]
Session Chair – Mr. Mike Miklaucic
Criminal Insurgency by Thomas Horn Hansen, Tom H.J. Hill, Jeni Mitchell and Nathan Hanley [doc][ppt]
Dr. A.E.R Woodcock - Toward an Analysis of Future Outcomes in Iraq and Afghanistan [ppt]
Dr. Thomas Blau and Dr. Daryl Liskey - Aligning Concepts, Operations and Goals in Fragile States: Some Questions About Afghanistan [ppt]
Session Chair – Dr. Michael Baranick
Colonel Ellen Haring - Mobilizing Identity in the Pashtun Tribal Belt [missing]
Mr. Carroll Patterson - Notes from the Field: On Evaluating the Soft Side of COIN Operations in Afghanistan [missing]
Mr. Luke Knittig - Afghanistan Efficacy: A Times Square Approach [missing]
Ms Taylor Wilkinson and Dr. Mike Baranick – Institution Building [pdf]
Session Chair – Professor Dave Davis
Using Economic Modeling to Prioritize Infrastructure Development Projects to Achieve Afghanistan’s Socio-Economic and Political Goals by
L.M. Stehr , Ph.D. and S.J. Whidden , MD, Ph.D. [pdf][ppt]
Dr. Eathan Kapstein - Counterinsurgency Operations and Economic Decision-Making in War-Torn Countries: The Case of Afghanistan [ppt]