Papers, presentations and posters |
Tuesday 21st July |
Russian next generation/hybrid warfare study: using Crimea to assess the vulnerability of the Baltic states |
W Sam Lauber, National Security Analysis Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA |
Presentation |
Support to operations assessment in the 1 German/Netherlands Corps |
Joachim Reitan, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment |
Presentation |
Front Line OA training for an uncertain future |
Hannah Locke, Dstl, UK |
Presentation |
From Afghanistan to Africa: modelling bed requirements for healthcare workers in Sierra Leone |
Jordan Low*, Charlotte Vallily and Samantha Rose, Dstl, UK |
Presentation |
The representation of stabilisation operations at the tactical level |
Colin Mason and Noel Corrigan*, CORDA, UK. |
Presentation |
Force mix analysis in the context of the Canadian Armed Forces |
Michel Couillard*, Lise Arseneau, Cheryl Eisler and Ben Taylor, Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, Defence R&D Canada |
A novel analysis approach to assess the personnel requirement for the UK national energetics capability |
Martin Parr, Dstl, UK |
Presentation |
Wargaming to support strategic planning |
Murray Dixson*, Michel Couillard, Thierry Gongora and Paul Massel, Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, Defence R&D Canada |
Perspectives on the use of air power by Russia |
Dr David Sloggett, Visiting Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK |
Presentation |
Wednesday 22nd July
Comparing observation satellite constellations - a novel approach using binary integer programing |
Oria Abrass, Israel |
Presentation |
Modelling and simulation use risk identification and management |
Simone Youngblood, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA |
Presentation |
Concept Development Assessment Game (CDAG) in support of NATO logistics optimization |
Maj Renato Luigi Marzo, Operational Analysis Branch, NATO ACT |
Presentation |
Anatomy of an insurgency |
Dr David Sloggett, Visiting Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK |
Presentation |
Afghan National Police Security Forces Assistance: understanding and reporting the truth to commanders |
Richard Devonshire, Dstl,UK |
Towards a theory of Joint – a lesson in going back to basics |
Donald Lowe, Tim McKay* and Wayne Hobbs, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia |
Presentation |
Learning the wrong lessons? Naval operational research during a long peace |
Paul Adam, Cassandra Defence Consulting Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Conceptualising joint doctrine as a capability system using a Soft Systems Methodology approach |
Jeff Malone, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia |
Presentation |
Making it STARC! Proposed future ways forward for contemporary military and special operations intelligence and knowledge work |
Dr Adam Svendsen, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, Denmark |
Presentation |
Workshop: Human Environment Analysis Reasoning Tool (HEART) |
Phil Jones, Dstl, UK |
Thursday 23rd July |
Assessing the relationship between operational performance and affordability throughout the life cycle |
Tom Collipi, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, USA |
Presentation |
Assessing the wider resilience of the UK defence industrial supply chain |
Jay Edwards, CORDA, UK |
Delivering things right AND delivering the right things: a P3M approach to balance of investment decisions |
David Starling, Actica Consulting Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Management information toolset to support evidence-based decisions for defence evaluation capabilities |
Mark Hunaban, QinetiQ Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Morphological analysis of defence procurement |
Dr Philippa Hiscock*, Jonathan Hodges and Michael Bagg, Roke Manor Research Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
A Defence Standards decision support tool: a Bayesian belief network approach |
Tom Baldwin*, Polaris Consulting Ltd, and Dr Matthew Revie, John Shimell, Prof Tim Bedford and Prof Lesley Walls, University of Strathclyde, UK |
Presentation |
Modelling environmental effects on radar detection |
Kyle Kliewer, Lockheed Martin, USA |
Presentation |
Suppression and the efficiency of infantry soldiers |
Dr Eylam Gofer, Ben Levav* and Yohay Gerafy, Rafael, Israel |
Presentation |
The Joint Intelligence Model – quantitative and qualitative insights for the intelligence enterprise |
Richard Adrian-Harris, Dstl, UK |
Presentation |
Analysing the impact of a cyber attack using economic value chains |
Dr Andrew Barwell, QinetiQ Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Human behavior nearby an explosion – characterization for military use |
Philip Tannor, Israel |
Friday 24th July |
Capturing the technology risks of advanced weapon system projects |
John Moore, QinetiQ Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
IPATCH: Collection and fusion of maritime piracy data |
Tom Cane, BMT Group Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Use of fractal-based approaches in the assessment of the recognized Canadian maritime picture |
Dr Peter Dobias*, S Horn, M J Liu, Cheryl Eisler and K Sprague, Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, Defence R&D Canada |
Operational analysis at Combined Maritime Forces |
William Wardrop*, Dstl and Maritime Warfare Centre, UK, and Matt Macleod, Defence R&D Canada |
32 ISMOR: themes and trends |
Dr Tony Sinden, Decision Analysis Services Ltd, UK |
Presentation |
Posters |
Course loading optimisation |
Cheryl Eisler, Dr Peter Dobias and Owen Lu, Defence R&D Canada |
Options assessment for Agile people |
Tony Fryer, Actica Consulting Ltd, UK |
Poster |
Non-compliant boarding operations: potential for non-lethal weapons employment |
Dr Peter Dobias and Cheryl Eisler, Defence R&D Canada, and LCdr W Lund, Canadian Fleet Pacific |
Poster |
Support to the UK Ministry of Defence’s New Employment Model |
Ed Aubrey, CORDA, UK |
Poster |
Value for money from wicked problems |
Jonathan Hodges, Dr Philippa Hiscock and Michael Bagg, Roke Manor Research Ltd, and Alyck Spraggins and Carl Dalton, Polaris Consulting Ltd, UK |
Poster |
GAMOV: Towards more affordable and capable modelling |
Nick Bell, Dstl, UK |
Poster |
Analysis Support Construct |
Poster |
Project delivery – a scrutiny perspective |
Phil Sayer, Ministry of Defence, UK |
Poster |