Cornwallis V: Analysis for Crisis
Response and Societal Reconstruction
The Lester B. Pearson
Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre
17-20 April 2000
Operations in areas such
as Kosovo, Bosnia, and East Timor have drawn increasing
attention to the overwhelming need to deal with crisis
response and the many aspects of justice as they relate
to peace and peacekeeping. At the same time, these
missions have pointed the critical need to deal with
rehabilitating all aspects of societies. If needs such
as these are not addressed, then conflict will continue
to return and we may never see the positive aspects of
change. A significant discussion of what needs to be
done, and who has the capability to conduct the
research, is reported in the discussion of the research
agenda for the Cornwallis Group.
Contributed Papers:
- Analysis for Crisis Response and Societal Reconstruction - David F. Davis [pdf]
- Getting Missions Started - John Drewienkiewicz & Alexander E.R. Woodcock [pdf]
- Failed States and Intervention - Walter S. Clarke [pdf]
- Restoring Peace and Stability, The OA Contribution: Kosovo June - October 1999 M.R. Neighbour [pdf]
- Experiences Obtained from the Perspective of the Supply Battalion Contingent of the KFOR Mission - Wolfgang Möllenbrink [pdf]
- Coalition Information Sharing: Lessons from the Balkans - Larry K Wentz [pdf]
- Information Sharing for Peace Support and Humanitarian Assistance Operations - Molly Jean Inman [pdf]
- The Role of International Police in Peace Operations - Robert M Perito [pdf]
- World Vision Community Services in Montenegro: Creative Activities for Trauma Healing (CATH) Judy Ann Slobig [pdf]
- Post Conflict Reconstruction: The Economic Dimension - Binyam Solomon [pdf]
- NATIONLAB 1999: Creating a Vision for the Economic and Social Reconstruction of Bolivia - Loren Cobb [pdf]
- A Command Post for Complex Operations - Berndt Brehmer and S Anders Christensson [pdf]
- Religious Considerations of Peace Operations: The Military Chaplain as a Resource - Ivan L King [pdf]
- A Truncated Self Portrait: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Manifestations of a US Military Veteran - Ivan L King [pdf]
- Cooperation, Command and Control in UN Peace Support Operations: A Study on Differences in Professional Cultures - Petra S Buxrud [pdf]
- On Restructuring Alliance Ground Forces and Adapting Deployment Policies for the New Mission Environment - Reiner K Huber and W Peter Cherry [pdf]
- Srebrenica: An Example of Civil-Military Co-operation - Larry Sampler [pdf]
- DIAMOND - Andrew Caldwell [pdf]
- Planning Explosive Demolition by Army Engineers in a Peacekeeping Mission - Karl A Bertsche [pdf]
- Cooperation, Competition, and the Challenge of Post-Conflict Reconstruction - Professor Alexander E R Woodcock [pdf]
- US Management of Complex Contingencies, Potential Global Partners, and Challenges to Achieving Unity of Effort - Martin Lidy [pdf]
- Early and Late Warning by the UN Secretary-General of Threats to the Peace: Article 99 Revisited - A Walter Dorn [pdf]
- Ask Not "What Forces Should We Deploy?" But Rather "What Is The Problem?" - Eugene P Visco [pdf]
- A Suggestion Regarding Civil-Military Relations in Peace Support Operations - Eugene P Visco [pdf]
Workshop and session summaries:
- Session II: Crisis Response (1) - Alexander E.R. Woodcock [pdf]
- Session III: Societal Reconstruction (1) - Eugene P Visco [pdf]
- Session V: Crisis Response (2) - Karl Bertsche [pdf]
- Session VI: Societal Reconstruction (3) - Professor Reiner Huber [pdf]
- Session VII: Crisis Response (3) - Peter Cherry [pdf]
- Session VIII: Research Agenda for the Cornwallis Group - Paul Chouinard, Louise Cox, Barbara Smith and Eugene P Visco [pdf]
- Concluding Remarks - Professor David F Davis and Professor Alexander E R Woodcock [pdf]